Annie Chemie Wurster Coater Annie Chemie P Ltd is engaged in manufacture of Micro Encapsulate Coated Chemicals. We encapsulate dry Chemical crystals in a protective polymer coating to impart properties such as delayed release, temperature sensitive release, pressure sensitive release etc. We offer Encapsulated Gel Breaker (Ammonium Persulfate (APS) Sodium Bromate etc.) for hydraulic fracturing also called fracking. It is offered in three grades. Instant oxidizer, Delayed release low temperature oxidizer with and Delayed release high temperature oxidizer. We also offer Other delayed release chemicals. All the Information on Physics, Chemistry, Applications, Uses and Technology on Manufacture of Gel Breaker is in these pages.

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Encap or Encapsulated Gel Breaker Ammonium Persulfate, Potassium Persulfate & Sodium Bromate Manufacturers for Hydraulic Fracturing

Ammonium Persulfate Gel Breaker
Ammonium Persulphate Slow Delayed Release Temperature Dependent
Gel Breaker Ammonium Persulfate

Spanish Disyuntor de gel Persulfato de amonio Persulfato de potasio Bromato de sodio
Portuguese Quebra de gel Persulfato de Amônio Potássio Persulfato de Sódio Bromato
Dutch Gelbreker Ammoniumpersulfaat Kaliumpersulfaat Natriumbromaat
 French Brise-gel Persulfate d'ammonium Persulfate de potassium Bromate de sodium
German Gelbrecher Ammoniumpersulfat Kaliumpersulfat Natriumbromat
Korean 젤 브레이커 과황산암모늄 과황산칼륨 브롬산나트륨
Russian Разрушитель геля Персульфат аммония Персульфат калия Бромат натрия
Slovak Rozbíjač gélu Persíran amónny Persíran draselný Bromičnan sodný
Turkish Jel kırıcı Amonyum Persülfat Potasyum Persülfat Sodyum Bromatt
Czech Gel lamač Persíran amonný Persíran draselný Bromičnan sodný
Arabic جل تكسير الأمونيوم بيرسلفات البوتاسيوم برومات الصوديوم
Persian ژل شکن آمونیوم پرسولفات پتاسیم پرسولفات سدیم برومات

Shale Gas Hydraulic fracturing is a proven technology to enhance productivity and maximize recovery in oil and gas wells. Guar gum is generally used for making the frac-fluid and keep the sand particles or proppant in suspension. The high viscosity fracking or fracing fluid is pumped in and the pay zone is fractured. After fracturing , the viscous guar gum is required to be broken for reducing the viscosity and get hydrocarbons to flow out of the fractured formation. This decrease is achieved by using an oxidizer like Ammonium Persulphate. It is often referred to as gel breaker. In delayed and single-fluid reversible-gel technology, gel-breaking mechanism is chemically built directly into the gel structure itself and for this delayed gel reversal time is controllable.

When an aqueous gel is contacted under appropriate conditions, breakers can degrade the gel back to a low-viscosity and watery solution.

Coated or Encapsulate Ammonium Persulfate, based coated chemical for low to high temperature delayed release gel breaker is used for breaking gel up to temperatures of 200°F or 93C or a little more. 75% to 90% active matter is generally offered depending upon down-hole temperature. The release rate can be customized to give quick or medium or fast release.

Encap Ammonium Persulfate is generally demanded for 3 different temperature ranges.
LT Encapsulated Breaker for downhole temperature of 100F (38C) to 120F (49C). This will have a coating of about 10.5 to 12.5% and active matter about 87 to 89%.
MT Encapsulated Breaker for for downhole temperature of 120F (49C) to 140F (60C). This will have a coating of about 13 to 16% and active matter about 83 to 86%.
HT Encapsulated Breaker for for downhole temperature of 140F (60C) to 200F (93C). This will have a coating of about 16.5 to 23% and active matter about 76 to 78%.

Coated or Encap or Encapsulate Potassium Persulfate based coated chemical to be active at 195F or 90C called high temperature delayed release gel breaker is used when significantly higher down-hole temperatures up to 300°F or 150°C are expected.

Coated or Encap or Encapsulated Sodium Bromate based gel breaker for very high temperatures. It will not be active up to 240°F or 115°C and is suggested for use at 280°F to 330°F or 138°C to 165°C.

Ammonium Persulfate
Potassium Persulfate
Sodium Bromate
Low Temperature with activator and Medium Temperature Encapsulated Ammonium Persulfate Gel Breaker
High Temperature Encapsulated Potassium Persulfate & Very High Temperature Encapsulated Sodium Bromate Gel Breaker

Testing Ammonium Persulfate in a breaker with water at 100 rpm at 150°F or 65°C beaker
Release profile for viscosity reduction Please Click on the image to enlarge
When tested at higher rpm with sand in the breaker, it dissolves 70-80% in 6 hours.

An independent chemist of a user has reported the following viscosity change profile of comparison of our product Ammonium Persulfate based Encap with another one.

Viscocity Reduction Please Click on the image to enlarge

Viscosity Breaking Please Click on the image to enlarge

The above graphs are for a coating level in Ammonium persulfate up to 20-25%. Higher coating percentage is preferred when down-hole temperatures are higher.

Oxidizing agents can be used in 4 ways for breaking gel.
1. As it is chemical Ammonium Persulfate
2. Coated chemical to be active at 140°F or 60°C medium temperature delayed release gel breaker.
3. Coated chemical to be active at 195°F or 90°C high temperature delayed release gel breaker.
4. Coated chemical to be active above 250°F or 120°C very high temperature delayed release gel breaker.

Oil field – Oxidizing Gel Breaker for Guar slurries used in fracturing. In frac jobs, after proppant is placed, fluid viscosity needs to be reduced.  All Guar based systems can be broken using oxidizing breakers. It generates free radicals of oxygen to efficiently oxidize and break all types of guar gels.
Manufacturing – Polymerization initiator
Water Treatment - It is used in water treatment.

Chemical Structure:
A Persulfate salt manufactured by electrolyzing Ammonia and Sulfuric Acid in a palladium cell. This breaker is offered as
AnCh-0 with 99% active matter with or without anti-caking agent.
AnCh-LowTemp 80% active matter encapsulated with a polymer.
AnCh-HighTemp 70% active matter encapsulated with a polymer.

Route of Action:
Free radical generation starts upon dissolution is water and is accelerated at fluid temperatures of 120°F and above.  It can be used up to fluid temperatures of 200°F.

Compatibility with brine, calcium chloride, KCl solutions as well as all known fracturing fluids, gels, cross-linkers and additives.

50 lb pails, 1200 lbs per pallet.
55 lb pails (25kg), 1320 lbs per pallet.
55.1 (25kg) lb bags, 40bags per pallet or in super sacks, 1 per pallet.
Special pack sizes available upon request.

We also offer Boron & Zirconium based Guar crosslinkers from India and USA. Bio degradable crosslinker is offered in liquid and in encapsulated granules form.

Ammonium Persulfate Potassium Persulphate Sodium Bromate Gel Breaker Manufacturers:

Annie Chemie P Ltd.
Offered from UAE, USA and India.
TELEPHONE: (OFFICE) 91-22-23770100, 23726950; FAX: 91-22-23728264
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Annie Chemie Wurster Coater


Adipic Acid Manufacturers.

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